Combination Liner

Combination Liner

The DynaPrime® range has been designed specifically for the larger sized mills where modern liner handlers are available. DynaPrime® has been engineered to reduce the number of individual sections that are installed inside the mill, substantially reducing the installation downtime for maximum mill availability.

The DynaPrime® design prioritises safety during installation with bolting from the outside of the mill which reduces risk during the installation of the liner.

Combination Liner

Combination Liner

DynaPrime® Advantages
Increased Asset Productivity

• Increased mill availability

• Increased liner life

• Increased charge volume due to a reduction in liner weight

Reduced Mill Operating Expenses

• Lower overall maintenance costs

• Reduced energy consumption

• Less personnel required for installation

• Faster reline due to reduced number of components

Reduced Risk

• Mitigates risk of unplanned shutdowns

• Better liner profile stability throughout the liner life

Improved Safety

• Fixings installed from outside the mill

• Reduced number of personnel required inside the mill during installation


  • SAG Mills
  • AG Mills
  • Primary Ball Mills